Proposed amendments to the Happy Yess Community Arts Inc. constitution

By special resolution at AGM 21st March 2019

The Happy Yess board proposes three amendments to the current constitution.

  • Proposed amendments to the constitution

    • Formalise the membership fee to $10 per year

    • Reduce the size of the Happy Yess board from a maximum of 20 to a maximum of twelve members

    • Raise the quorum from 25% plus 1 to 51% of the board present for a board decision

These three items will strengthen our organisation by allowing the organisation to have an official membership fee, which has been endorsed by the members, to allow for a smaller more agile board and to ensure that an adequate portion of the board is present for all important decisions.

These amendments will be put to a vote by our members at the AGM.

Check out the exact changes on THIS PDF